
AT&T Wireless Law Enforcement Subpoena | Legal Information & Resources

Power AT&T Wireless Law Enforcement Subpoena

Have ever wondered law enforcement agencies obtain information wireless carriers like AT&T? This process known subpoena, and plays crucial role criminal investigations. In blog post, will delve fascinating world AT&T wireless law enforcement subpoenas explore their importance maintaining public safety.

Understanding AT&T Wireless Law Enforcement Subpoenas

AT&T, one largest wireless carriers United States, often receives subpoenas law enforcement agencies seeking access customer records. These subpoenas can be issued in connection with investigations related to potential criminal activities, national security matters, or other law enforcement purposes.

Case Study: Impact AT&T Wireless Law Enforcement Subpoena

In 2016, AT&T received over 56,000 subpoenas law enforcement agencies across country. These requests sought a wide range of information, including call detail records, text message content, and location data. This data proved instrumental in numerous criminal investigations, leading to the apprehension of individuals involved in drug trafficking, human trafficking, and other serious crimes.

Protecting Privacy Rights

While AT&T complies with valid law enforcement subpoenas, company also prioritizes protection its customers` privacy rights. AT&T carefully reviews each subpoena ensure it complies applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, the company has implemented strict policies and procedures to safeguard customer information and prevent unauthorized access.

Table: AT&T Wireless Law Enforcement Subpoena Statistics

Year Number Subpoenas Received
2016 56,234
2017 60,128
2018 64,521

Future AT&T Wireless Law Enforcement Subpoenas

As technology continues to evolve, the landscape of law enforcement subpoenas is also changing. AT&T committed staying ahead these developments and constantly improving its capabilities assist law enforcement fulfilling their investigative responsibilities.

Conclusion: Role AT&T Wireless Law Enforcement Subpoenas

AT&T wireless law enforcement subpoenas powerful tool fight against crime. By providing access essential information, AT&T plays vital role assisting law enforcement agencies ensuring safety security public.


Top 10 FAQs About AT&T Wireless Law Enforcement Subpoenas

Question Answer
1. What is a law enforcement subpoena? Let me tell you, law enforcement subpoena legal document issued court government agency requires AT&T Wireless provide certain information subscriber, call records, text messages, or data, assist criminal investigation. It`s a powerful tool in the hands of law enforcement.
2. Can AT&T Wireless refuse comply law enforcement subpoena? No, AT&T Wireless cannot just flip bird law enforcement. They are legally obligated to comply with valid subpoenas. Failure to do so could result in hefty fines and other legal consequences. It`s game.
3. What information law enforcement obtain subpoena AT&T Wireless? AT&T Wireless may be required provide range information, including call detail records, text message content, subscriber information, and location data. It`s like peeling back the layers of an onion.
4. Can I challenge law enforcement subpoena served AT&T Wireless? Yes, you have the right to challenge a subpoena if you believe it is overly broad or not properly issued. Consult with an attorney to explore your options. Don`t just sit there and take it.
5. How long AT&T Wireless store subscriber information? AT&T Wireless typically retains call detail records about 7-10 years, and text message content 3-5 years. It`s like they have a digital memory that lasts longer than most relationships.
6. Can law enforcement access my location data AT&T Wireless without subpoena? Under Stored Communications Act, law enforcement may be able access certain location data AT&T Wireless without warrant subpoena certain emergency situations. It`s like they have a secret backdoor.
7. Will I be notified law enforcement obtains my information AT&T Wireless? AT&T Wireless generally prohibited notifying subscribers law enforcement requests their information, unless permitted court government agency. It`s like a spy game, but without the cool gadgets.
8. Can I file lawsuit against AT&T Wireless disclosing my information law enforcement? It`s possible file lawsuit believe AT&T Wireless disclosed your information unlawfully, but you`ll need show they violated your rights. It`s not faint heart.
9. Is my information protected privacy laws law enforcement requests from AT&T Wireless? While there are privacy laws that govern law enforcement access to subscriber information, they may not provide as much protection as you`d hope. It`s a delicate balance between privacy and law enforcement needs.
10. Should I concerned law enforcement subpoenas I`m AT&T Wireless subscriber? It`s always a good idea to be aware of the potential for law enforcement subpoenas, especially if you`re involved in sensitive matters. Stay informed and consider your privacy options. It`s better to be safe than sorry.


AT&T Wireless Law Enforcement Subpoena Contract

This contract (the “Contract”) entered on this [Date] by and between AT&T Wireless (the “Company”) and law enforcement agency (the “Agency”) purpose outlining terms conditions related issuance response law enforcement subpoenas served AT&T Wireless.

1. Definitions
“AT&T Wireless” refers telecommunications company providing wireless communication services.
“Law Enforcement Subpoena” refers to a legal request for information or records issued by a law enforcement agency in the course of a criminal investigation.
2. Subpoena Response
Upon receipt law enforcement subpoena, AT&T Wireless agrees promptly fully comply requirements subpoena extent required law. The Agency shall ensure that the subpoena is valid and complies with all applicable legal requirements.
3. Confidentiality
All information and records provided in response to a law enforcement subpoena shall be treated as confidential and used solely for the purpose of the relevant criminal investigation. The Agency agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the handling and protection of such information.
4. Indemnification
AT&T Wireless shall held liable any claims, damages, or liabilities arising lawful response law enforcement subpoena, provided such response made accordance applicable laws regulations.
5. Governing Law
This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the relevant jurisdiction.
6. Entire Agreement
This Contract constitutes entire agreement AT&T Wireless Agency respect subject matter hereof supersedes all prior contemporaneous agreements understandings, whether oral written.